
Article Index

Index of Articles (In a logical sequence)

1. Depression, the Silent Epidemic It is a lack of knowledge of clinical depression and the way it operates that gives it so much power.
2. What Causes Depression? Depression can be caused by biological, mental/emotional, and social factors, and more commonly, a combination of all three.
3. Depression and Counseling/Therapy Receiving counselling from a professional health care worker or counsellor to deal with depression's root causes is an important step in recovery.
4. Depression, Christians, and Anti-Depressant Medication Another crucial step in recovering from clinical depression is a consultation with a good doctor.
5. Symptoms of Depression & How it Causes Them When we understand what symptoms depression can cause, and how it causes them, brings great relief.
6. Facing Distressing Symptoms instead of Dreading Them We can learn how not to dread distressing symptoms by facing them.
7. Breaking Depression's Fear Cycle Some practical steps we can follow to slow and eventually stop the fear-adrenalin-fear cycle.
8. Dealing with Fearful Thoughts When fearful thoughts come flooding in, the worse thing we can do is to sit or lie down and examine, consider and debate those thoughts.
9. Learning Not to Fear Our Own Thoughts Unwanted, appalling thoughts can pop without warning into our minds and ‘BOOM,’ the thought, its implications, and our reaction can tear us apart.
10. It is Not Good for Man to be Alone Although it is a normal reaction when depressed to want to hide from any human contact, it is not good for someone who is depressed to be alone.
11. Depression & Being Constructively Active An important aspect of coping with and recovering from depression is keeping ourselves gainfully engaged in constructive activities.
12. Depression & Regular Physical Exercise Being physically fit helps all areas of our lives.
13. Good Days and Bad Days Even when on the road to recovery from depression we need to maintain realistic expectations and expect bad days or periods to afflict us from time to time.
14. Depression, Momentary Elation, & Setting Realistic Expectations If suffering from depression, we need to have realistic expectations of our abilities based on our current condition.
15. Depression & Anger: Sherry’s Testimony Sherry shares her testimony of her life long battle with depression and its accompanying anger.
16. Depression and that Disgusting Morning Feeling Something that many people suffering from depression have discovered – they usually feel worse in the morning.
17. Dealing with Self-Hate Although feelings of self-hate seem to be justified to one suffering from depression, they are in fact a lie and have no place in our lives.
18. Feelings of Inadequacy Just as waves batter the cliffs, depression frequently buffets its victims with feelings of inadequacy.
19. Depression Distorts our Perspective Acute suffering such as depression destroys our worldview - we look at everything through depression-coloured glasses. Everything, including our perception of God, looks bleak.
20. Getting a New Perspective on Depression's Fearful Thoughts Some ideas and practical techniques on how to see our fears from new, healthy perspectives.
21. Has God Abandoned Me? “Has God abandoned me?” is a desperate cry from the heart of many, whether stuck in the depths of severe depression or struggling to deal with a major crisis.
22. Addressing the Fear that we may have lost our Salvation One issue that some Christians suffering from depression struggle with is the fear that they have lost their salvation.
23. Is God Good? The doubt concerning God’s goodness is the real root of sin. Unless that issue is exposed and dealt with, our hearts will never be truly pure.
24. Dealing with Panic Attacks A panic attack (also known as an anxiety attack) is a very intense, short-lived episode of fear.
25.1 Getting a New Perspective on Depression’s Fearful Thoughts
25.2 Letting Go of the Past
25.3 Verdict: Not Guilty
25.4 Insomnia – an Exercise in Frustration
25.5 Depression & Racing/Palpitating Heart
26. Depression and Loss of Appetite
27. Depression & Night Terrors
28. When Our Dreams for the Future are Shattered
29. Depression and Self Harm
30. Dealing with Depression and Suicidal Thoughts, from a Christian Perspective
31. Will This Nightmare Ever End?
32. From Hopelessness to Hope
32.1 Depression: on the Road to Recovery
32.2 Do we have to fully recover from depression before we can get on with life again?
33. Invisible Handicap
34. Stay on Target
35. Rediscovering our Significance
35.1 A Rejection Complex
36. Keeping our Eyes Fixed on Jesus
37. Depression and Being Thankful
37.1 Worshipping God in the Midst of Life's Trials
38. Why Won’t God End My Suffering?
39. The Wilderness
40. The Storms of Life
41. My Grace is Sufficient for You
41.1 What does When I am Weak, then I am Strong mean?
42. Do Not Worry About Tomorrow
43. Recession Blues
44. Learning to Live with a Disability
45. When Our Loved Ones Suffer
46. The Thief comes only to Kill and Destroy
47. Over Discipline Distorts our View of God
48. Should being Happy be the Most Important Thing
in our Life?

49. Some say, “You're depressed because you don't
have nough faith.”

50. A Bruised Reed He will not Break
51. How do you Support Someone Suffering from

52. Signposts
53. Preventing Depression
54. Life after Depression: better Equipped to Deal
with Future Trials

55. My Depression Testimony