
Wednesday, May 7, 2014

No one can snatch my sheep out of my hand

My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand. John 10:27-28


  1. Blessings...I believe this qualifies as WORD FILLED WEDNESDAY with Amydeanne @ the 160acrewoods!

    Beautiful verse & the perfect image of the Lamb in His hand! Thank you!

  2. Amen! How wonderful it is to be found by the Shepherd! Glory to God!
    God bless bro. Peter. That picture was awesome!

  3. Such a wonderful picture and verse. Be blessed.

  4. Wonderful image for this scripture. Very powerful imagery and message.

  5. A cute picture and a wonderful Word, thank you ~

  6. This was great.

    So nice to meet you!!


  7. Hi Everyone,
    Thanks for the feedback.

    Thanks also for pointing me towards the160acrewoods, Anonymous. I originally called this post "Wordless Wednesday" because I did my add any comments or words of my own, only God's Word. But of course, that still counts as words!

    Wonderful to see that others have gone before me with the same idea.

  8. Good verse ... and neat thing about the sheep metaphor in the Gospels - it draws from the OT imagery of God's people being "sheep," that is helpless captives in a foreign land. Referring to us as sheep means Jesus is extending God's protective care over us.

  9. I love this verse--I keep it on my bedroom mirror, as it provides such comfort. Praise to the Good Shepherd!

    Hope you're well, Peter--I'm praying for you.

  10. Thanks Tara, your prayers are appreciated. Been praying for you too. :)

    Great verse, isn't it? On the mirror is a great place to keep it. The verse has been of such comfort to me, and to my daughter as well. She has it pinned on her bedroom wall.

    Thanks for your comments too, Warren. The thought of a shepherd protecting his treasured sheep is such a powerful one. Knowing who our shepherd is makes me glad to be one of His sheep.

  11. Thanks for joing WFW Peter! Great verse & pic!

  12. Your picture and verse is very inspiring. I am a Friday Follower first time this week, and now I'm following you.

  13. Thanks for linking up with Friday Follow. I am now your blog follower. Happy weekend!

    ~ Lynn

  14. Following from FF!

