
Sunday, April 20, 2014

Free ebook on Depression

Dear Readers,

I have updated the free eBook on depression written from a Christian perspective, which is available on this blog, Do Not Let Your Hearts Be Troubled.  It is available in Kindle, ePub and PDF formats.

Feel free to share your copy with anyone you feel may benefit from reading it.

Just click on the appropriate link to download:

This book is a collection of the articles from my blog, Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled, where I share my recovery from depression. The book’s purpose is to offer practical advice and words of comfort to those suffering from depression and anxiety, in the hope of helping them to cope with depression and speed them on the path to recovery. The book has been written from a Christian perspective.


  1. Thank you, Peter, for speaking out about the hope in the Lord for all who desire it. Thanks to Sandy, too. I will be sure to read her testimony.

  2. Thanks for sharing this bro. Peter. You'll never know how many lives your writing will touch and be comforted. God bless you and your family.

  3. Thank you, Peter and GOD BLESS, andrea

  4. You should publish it as a short booklet on KINDLE over at

  5. Peter,

    What a great idea combining all your writings in pdf format for your readers. It's a very valuable resource.

    And thank you also for directing your readers to my site. I saw some traffic coming over from you and clicked over to see what all the commotion was about. :) What a nice surprise. You've made my night.

    Blessings dear Brother,

  6. Thank you so much Peter for doing this! It really is wonderful to be able to start at the beginning to end. This is such a great testimony & ministry & you are probably touching so many with ALL you have shared! I have not yet caught up to
    where Sandy is at part Nine, I have a ways to go & I'm sure I should not skip ahead to today's but go in sequence. Thanks for recommending reading her blog, it's a good reminder for me! All of us can learn much when it comes to increasing our faith. God bless!

  7. BEYOND wonderful. I am amazed at your humility in offering this resource for free. Especially when it is worthy of publication.

    I HAVE to link to this for my Tuesday post. I HAVE to. Thank you so much, Peter.

    Lord, thank YOu for this incredible resource You have made available through Peter. We praise You for not only giving him the talent to write it, but for bringing him through so much. Thank You for powerfully working in and through him to comfort others with the comfort he has received through his trials. We give You the glory and the honor and the praise, Amen.

  8. Updated Urgent prayer request on my blog about Colton. You will also see a neg. comment from someone in Landrum, SC and my reply. PLEASE CONTINUE TO PRAY, andrea

  9. Thanks for your feedback everyone, don't know where I would be without your continued encouragement. And a special thanks for Laura for recommending the pdf to your readers too.

    That's an interesting idea, Stushie, certainly something to think about.

    God bless,

  10. Thanks for recommending great sites like this. It is a good service and helpful to your readers.

  11. Peter, I am with Laura. Awed that you would offer for free an anointed work definitely worth publishing. God will return to you in abundance what you have so freely given to Him.
    I will put a link on my sidebar soon.
    Will check out in its entirety soon. Life is hectic these days...good hectic...
    Blessings to you and your family.
